The Tools screen in Top 10 offers a set of buttons to help you maintain various features of the plugin.

Top 10 - Tools screen

Clear Cache

Clears the Top 10 cache. This is also done automatically when you save the settings page. You can find a similar button at the bottom of the settings page if you are using Top 10 Pro.

Recreate Primary Key

Deletes and reinitialises the primary key in the database tables. If you encounter an error, you can run the provided SQL code in phpMyAdmin or Adminer. Remember to back up your database first!

Reset Database

Resets the Top 10 tables. For multisite installs, it resets the popular posts for the current site. On the Network Admin screen, it resets the popular posts across all sites. This action cannot be reversed, so ensure your database is backed up before proceeding.

Recreate Database Tables

This button will recreate the database tables. Perform a full backup of the database before proceeding. Use any popular backup plugins or phpMyAdmin for this task. This could cause an issue if you have a huge set of tables with the tracked post data.

Other Tools

Delete Old Settings

Deletes old settings for the current blog. Recommended after upgrading to v2.5.x or later. Only proceed if you are comfortable with the new settings.

Merge Post Counts

Merges post counts for posts with duplicate entries. This will merge duplicate post IDs created in older versions of the plugin.