The Heatmap tab is the third tab of the Better Search settings page. It lets you fine-tune how popular search terms are generated and displayed. Below is an explanation of each available setting.

Better Search Settings - Heatmap

Include heatmap on the search results

This option displays heatmaps at the bottom of the search results page, showing popular searches to visitors. It is not applicable when Seamless mode is enabled.

Heading of Overall Popular Searches

This heading appears before the list of overall popular searches as the master heading.

Heading of Daily Popular Searches

This heading is displayed before the list of trending searches as the master heading.

Currently trending should contain searches of how many days?

This setting determines the number of days used to calculate the currently trending heatmap. Previously referred to as Daily popular.

Number of search terms to display

Specify how many search terms will appear in the heatmap.

Font size of least popular search term

Set the font size for the least popular search term in the heatmap.

Font size of most popular search term

Define the font size for the most popular search term in the heatmap.

Colour of least popular search term

Choose the font colour for the least popular search term in the heatmap.

Colour of most popular search term

Select the font colour for the most popular search term in the heatmap.

Text to include before each search term

Insert text that will appear before every search term in the heatmap.

Text to include after each search term

Add text that will appear after every search term in the heatmap.

Open links in new window

Enable this option to open heatmap links in a new window.

Add nofollow to links

Enable this option to add the nofollow attribute to the heatmap links.