CRP Taxonomy Tools v1.3.0

I’ve pushed through a much pending release of CRP Taxonomy Tools which is an add-on for Contextual Related Posts.

If you’ve been using Contextual Related Posts and need the extra bit of relevancy based on tags and categories then this plugin is for you. The latest release has an additional tweak where you can now choose to match all taxonomies. In the previous version if you selected taxonomies not linked to the post type, you’d end up with no results. This version changes that feature and will consider only linked taxonomies for matching. You should start seeing results in most cases.

Admin in CRP Taxonomy Tools v1.3.0
Admin in CRP Taxonomy Tools v1.3.0

CRP Taxonomy Tools is completely free and can be downloaded from just like any other plugin. Existing users should be able to upgrade as normal.

As always, if you have any questions, create a new post in the support forum.

Changes in 1.3.0

  • Enhancements:
    • When “Match all taxonomy terms” is selected, only taxonomies for the current post type is selected. This reduces the cases where no posts are found. Posts are also now properly ranked by relevancy
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed PHP notices