Discover Relevant Search Results

Better Search

Upgrade your search experience. Discover contextual results with enhanced relevance

Features Overview

Improve the default WordPress search with more relevant results

Seamless integration

Cleanly integrates with any WordPress theme by replacing the default WordPress search

Advanced search results page for additional features

Override the search results page within your WordPress theme

Search everything

Find relevant results by matching the post title and content

Optionally search excerpts, categories, tags, custom taxonomies, meta fields, authors and comments

Exclude posts from the search results by ID or category

Track what your visitors are searching

View the popular search terms in your admin area

Optionally, display them in the front end of your site

Protect visitor privacy. Tracking is completely anonymous

Additional Features and Benefits

If you prefer more control over where the plugin appears on your site, then we have you covered.


Display the popular search terms anywhere within your post or page content with a simple shortcode with its own set of arguments

Custom CSS Styles

You can easily change the display of the search results by using your own custom styles

Relevance based search results

Search results are automatically sorted by relevance. You can also turn off relevancy based searching, in which case, results are sorted by date

Customisable output

Better_Search_Query allows you to build a custom template to display the search results

Profanity filter

Customise the list of stop words that will automatically be filtered out of search queries


Display the popular search terms in your sidebar or footer. If your theme supports it, then just drag and drop the widget

Admin interface

Better Search allows you to view the popular search terms in a clean, searchable tabular format

Fine-tune the results

Change weighting of post title and post content. Turn on BOOLEAN search to override the default NATURAL LANGUAGE search of mySQL


The in-built caching system will display your search results quickly and efficiently. Don’t forget to turn it on!

Developer friendly

Better Search has tonnes of actions, filters, and smart coding making it a developer-friendly plugin

What Our Customers Say

Better Search has been downloaded over 200k times and is used on over 7,000 WordPress sites

And, the 4.5 out of 5 stars rating tells you how much our users love this plugin and here’s some of what they are saying…

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
This plugin is awesome! It increased my website search functionality with some cool features, and when I needed support for a problem that I had, Ajay was amazing with his help! I recommend this plugin to everyone!
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
I have been using this plugin for a few years and it is an integral part of the entire ecosystem of the site, in updating I had a problem but by contacting the support we were able to solve it in a very short time, Thanks a lot 5/5
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
This plugin is essential for every WordPress site. I think that this is how WordPress’s default search should work – search 1000 posts, here are the 4 you might want. A big Thank you to developer!

WordPress search made easy, powerful and relevant in minutes